Author Topic: Crown - "GRENADEEE"  (Read 7801 times)

Wasn't supossed to be funny, just found the thread today. and everybody was saying i was lazy.
So i replied.

Crown, if you don't want something done in your server, you should be taking action to prevent it from happening. If he was able to get a HE grenade, it means you neglected  preventing it from being used. Next time disable the weapon.

You are a fail host.

Crown, if you don't want something done in your server, you should be taking action to prevent it from happening. If he was able to get a HE grenade, it means you neglected  preventing it from being used. Next time disable the weapon.

You are a fail host.
Crown wasn't even the host.

Crown wasn't even the host.
Woops. You're right.

Directed at Okiver.

Woops. You're right.

Directed at Okiver.
Anyway, taking it out just like that might not be practical, as it would usually require a server restart.

Anyway, taking it out just like that might not be practical, as it would usually require a server restart.

That is laziness and neglect. In my opinion, if the server host is too lazy to do a simple server restart to prevent a nuisance, they really should not be hosting at all.

Yes, they would lose players, but waiting a few minutes for the server to fill back up would be fine compared to this.

I'm not lazy! "or maybe a little".
Well atleast there was a sign, if you dont like how i do it. You shouldn't stay.

Major bump much?

Wasn't supossed to be funny, just found the thread today. and everybody was saying i was lazy.
So i replied.


Remeber that time that I forbid the use of the Mnuke on my server and everyone used it anyways?
No clip?

family guy, much