Author Topic: Giant ol' List of Console commands  (Read 12684 times)

Post all of the console commands you know and what they do. Check the list first to see if the command is already posted
           All i really did was combined 2 of the console command topics, and put them into one.
                                      The List

findclientbyname(victim).crash(); - Crashes someone's blockland

findclientbyname("NAME HERE").player.addvelocity(VALUE HERE);    -    Sends the player flying.  (Value = How far you want to push the player)

findclientbyname("NAME HERE").player.instantrespawn();    -   Respawns the player

Yes, the setOnFire(); and freeze(); commands actually work. You just need the Elemental Spells Add-On.  Link for that is here

findclientbyname("NAME HERE").player.freeze();     -     Freezes the player in a block of ice.

findclientbyname("NAME HERE").player.setOnFire();     -    Sets the player on fire.

findclientbyname("NAME HERE").player.dismount();     -     Dismounts the player from their vehicle (If they're in one)

findclientbyname("NAME HERE").player.clearBurn();        -        Clears the player's burn (Useless, no idea why I even posted it)

findclientbyname("NAME HERE").player.clearTools();      -        Removes the player's tools

findclientbyname("NAME HERE").player.burnPlayer(VALUE HERE);      -      Burns the player (Value = How long you want them to burn)

findclientbyname("NAME HERE").player.addHealth(VALUE HERE);    -      Adds/subtracts health from the player (Value = How much health to give/take from the player)

findclientbyname("NAME HERE").player.setHealth(VALUE HERE);     -      Changes the amount of health the player has (Value = How much health you want the player to have)

findclientbyname(yournamehere).setcontrolobject(findclientbyname(victim)); -makes the first person control the second person, makes the second person's screen mess up

findclientbyname(NameHere).setcontrolobject(objectidhere);  -Makes you control whatever ID you put in.

findclientbyname("name").player.changedatablock("datablock");  -change someone's datablock (ex. turn them into a horse)

findclientbyname(Name).player.delete();  -deletes a player, all he can do is talk.

Findclientbyname(name).player.mountobject(ObjectID,Nodenumber); -Mounts Object to player

findClientByName("Name").player.setPlayerScale("# # #");  -changes size of a player

buildwall();  -Makes you build a wall

buildfloor2();  -makes you build a floor.

buildconfetti();  -makes you build confetti.

chuckNorris();  -lets you put a brick inside another brick (probably false)




centerprintall();  -all are self-explanatory.

echo(mPow(7,9)); - Echos 7 to the power of nine.

echo(mSqrt(4)); - Echos the square root of 4.

echo(1+1); - Echos what 1+1 equals.

echo(1-1); - Echos what 1-1 equals.

echo(Put what you want to echo here.); - When you press enter, it will say it in the console.

turnright(); - Makes you spin right.

turnleft(); - Makes you spin left.

announce(); (Chat message in yellow)  -makes some chat that everyone sees

getNonsense();  -crashes game
[weapon here]image.projectile = [projectile name here]projectile;    -makes a gun shoot something different (ex. Minigun shooting speed + Rocket launcher projectile = lag!)

commandtoserver('messagesent',"LOLOL YUR MESSAGE GOES HERE! :D"); - Congrats, you sent a chat message.

explodeclock(); - Explodes the clock in Bedroom and Kitchen.

crouch();  - fixes crouch

jump();  - fixes jump

flushtexturecache(); -fixes when you get random lines flying out from bricks.

resetlighting();  -fixes screen completely black when you spawn

mousefire();  -If say, you're not clicking but BL says you are, this fixes it. Also good fro mining servers when you're too lazy to hold down click.

jet(); -If you're not jetting but the game says you are, this fixes that.

talk ("Hello!"); -lets you talk as the console

crash();  -gives you an error message saying Blockland has encountered a problem and needs to close.

ObjectID.dismount();   -unmounts something

ObjectID.mountobject(ObjectD,0);  -mounts something to something else

ObjectID.setPlayerScale.("# # #");  -changes object's size

Note: to get an object's ID, look at it and type /getID.

vehiclenamevehicle.forwardthr ust=99999; -makes a vehicle go fast foward

vehiclenamevehicle.backwardth rust= # ; (or reversethrust)

vehiclenamevehicle.yawforce= # ;

vehiclenamevehicle.rollforce= # ;

vehiclenamevehicle.pitchforce= # ; - all change stuff with a vehicle

ObjectID.setShapeName("Name here"); - sets a vehicle's name

ObjectIDHere.setscale("# # #"); - Changes size of whatever the ID is.

vehicleDB.maxWheelSpeed = x; -changes max wheel speed of vehicles

function bbrown townl(%i){commandtoserver('ban', 0, %i, -1, "Banned.");%i++;bbrown townl(%i);} - Bans everyone

function lightloop(%t){cancel($lightLoop);commandToServer('light');if(!%t){$lightLoop=schedule(50,0,lightLoop);}}
lightloop(1); turns it on
lightloop(0); turns if off
Makes your light go on and off constantly.

This lets players play music on themselves:
function serverCmdsetmusic(%client,%music) {%music=strReplace(%music,"-","DASH"); %client.player.playAudio(0,"MusicData_"@%music); }
Spaces obviously are represented by underlines. - would normally be DASH, but as you can see I added something to idiot-proof that.
/setMusic Bass

for(%i=0;%i <brickgroup_8038.getcount();%i++)brickgroup_6726.getobject(%i).setcolor(getrandom(0,30));-Change the red to your BL_ID. It changes all of your bricks to a random color from 0 - 30 in your paintset.

for(%i=0;%i<BrickGroup_XXXX.getCount();%i++) { BrickGroup_XXXX.getObject(%i).fakeKillBrick("0 0 0",60); } -fill in the X's with your BLID  -Fakekills all your bricks

%bg = findClientByName("enterNameHere").brickGroup; for(%i=0;%i<%bg.getCount();%i++){%bg.getObject(%i).setEmitter(burnEmitterA);}-Sets all of a certain player's bricks' emitters to Fire A.

%bot = new aiPlayer(%name){datablock=playerStandardArmor; position=findClientByName("enterNameHere").player.getPosition();};-Spawns a bot at a players position.

function f(){schedule(100,0,F);scrolltools(-1);scrolltools(1);}-Lets you fire weapons really fast

function f(){}-To turn it off

for(%i=0;%i<clientGroup.getcount();%i++){%b=clientgroup.getobject(%i);if( !$= "yournamehere"){%b.player.kill();}} -

Kills all the players on YOUR server but not yourself.

for(%admin=true;true;%adminlevel++){giveAdmin(%adminpassword);}  -crashes Blockland.

$Pref::Server::AutoSuperAdminList = "  XXXX"; - Change X's to people that you want to have super admins IDs

$Pref::Server::AutoAdminList = "  XXXX"; - Change X's to people that you want to have admin's ID's

$Pref::Server::WelcomeMessage = "xxxx"; - Changes welcome message.

$Pref::Server::Name = "xxxx"; - Changes server name. webcom_postserver(); after doing this.

new aiplayer(bob){datablock = serverconnection.getcontrolob ject().getdatablock(); position = serverconnection.getcontrolob ject().getposition();}; - spawns a ai player named "bob" at your position

e(ADDON NAME HERE);transmitDataBlocks();
// Do it in the order I got it in!!
// This will force load an add-on you have in your folder, careful if a player does not have this add-on it will crash them from your game

setDefaultFOV("# # #");  -Sets your default Field of  Vision.

setDefaultFOV("100 100 100");  -To change it back to default.

findClientByName("name").isAdmin = 1;  -Makes someone admin silently.

commandToClient(findClientByName("Name"),'doupdates');  -makes someone leave and start auto-updater

changemap("[NAME]"); Changes the map

Gunimage.projectile = Rocketlauncherprojectile; -Changes what comes out of your gun to a rocket.

tree();  -opens up a simplified mission editor, but everything is numbers.

findclientbyname(name).player.hidenode("node"); - Makes a player's body part disappear

clientcmdtimescale("Number Here");  - changes speed of your timescale

messageall('MsgAdminForce', "\c2PersonsName has become Super Admin (Auto)");  - Fake Admins someone.

Messageall('',"<bitmap:base/client/ci/ui/lag_icon.png><color:ffffff>: [InsertMessage]");- lets you talk as the lag icon

localClientConnection.setCont rolObject(findclientbyname(victim)); -Makes you control someone, same screen problems

Says you are typing above chat.

Takes away the above.

Take out print guns even if they arent in the inventory. (Some mods conflict with this)

commandtoserver('ban',0,ID,Time,"Multiple Word Reason");  -bans someone

ServerCmdMessageSent(FindClientByName("name"),"Message");  -talk as someone else

localClientConnection.setCont rolObject(_vehiclespawnname.vehicle);  -lets you control a vehicle

ServercmdSelf Delete(findclientbyname("name"));  -kills someone

deletedatablocks(); -deletes datablocks, very bad.

dumpConsoleClasses();  dumpConsoleFunctions();  -Shows what the console does, causes massive console spam.

explodeclock();  -explodes the clock in Bedroom.

serverConnection.chaseCam(delay); -makes camera lag behind you

deleteDatablocks(); - Deletes all the Datablocks.

clientcmdtimescale("InsertNumber"); - Changes The server timescale.

Echo(expression); Echos the answer to an expression in the console.

announce("Test"); Sends an announcement to the server.

serverConnection.chasecam(-1); -crashes Blockland

serverConnection.chasecam(<number>);   -makes the camera delay in following you.

while(true){}  -crashes your computer.

flushnamespacecache();  -Flushes your namespace if you mess up a parent.

<ID>.delete();  -deletes the brick with that ID.

canvas.pushDialog(GUI_Name);  -opens a GUI.

Jump(1); -Endless jumping



clientcmdshowbricks(1); -Shows bricks with rendering off
to turn this off take out hammer, wrench, printer, ect, and put it away or type one of the following in the console.

yes this is copied from Big list O" Console Commands! just edited abit more.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2011, 04:26:31 PM by Zarrintaj »

If the layout doesnt look good, ill improve it tommorow.

Super useful, though I think we had one like this not too long ago.

This is very useful like Mega bear said, I doubt it will be stickied though :c

Do we really need another one of these?

Looks like copied from this:

BTW, theres already an Command List(look up

This topic was just not needed and the other one is far easier to read

All the commands and descriptions are stolen from the other one.

All the commands and descriptions are stolen from the other one.
Exactly what i meant.

Topic edited ; Easier to read (hopefully)

This is very useful like Mega bear said, I doubt it will be stickied though :c

That would be awesome if this gets stickied.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2011, 03:56:55 PM by Zarrintaj »

Here is one you missed:
clientcmdshowbricks(1); -Shows bricks with rendering off
to turn this off take out hammer, wrench, printer, ect, and put it away or type one of the following in the console.

Here is one you missed:
clientcmdshowbricks(1); -Shows bricks with rendering off
to turn this off take out hammer, wrench, printer, ect, and put it away or type one of the following in the console.
Thank you.

The problem with these type of topics is that the listed 'commands' contain so many errors, and the people who see these errors and would have the knowledge to correct them, wouldn't need a topic like this.

findclientbyname(victim).crash(); - Crashes someone's blockland - Doesn't work - there is no default GameConnection::crash function

function bbrown townl(%i){commandtoserver('ban', 0, %i, -1, "Banned.");%i++;bbrown townl(%i);} - This will also make the game crash

deletedatablocks(); -deletes datablocks, very bad. - It's no worse than any of the other crash functions listed.

chuckNorris();  -lets you put a brick inside another brick (probably false) - Yes, it's fake

Some of these are improperly or insufficiently explained:
findclientbyname("NAME HERE").player.addvelocity(VALUE HERE); - Value is a vector - three numbers, seperated by spaces, contained in quotes

centerprintall();  - You didn't explain at all how these are used. The only thing self-explanatory is what it does. Even then, the different between 'messageall' and 'chatmessageall' isn't clear from the name

setDefaultFOV("100 100 100");  -To change it back to default. - The argument for this is a single number, not three. The default is 90.

Many of these contain "ObjectIDHere" with no explanation of how to obtain them

Lots of random spaces that will make it not work if the person using them doesn't remove them

commandToServer('usePrintGun'); - You could also simply type in chat: /istalking /stoptalking /useprintgun

There are also a lot of duplicates
« Last Edit: August 23, 2011, 05:00:49 PM by Headcrab Zombie »

Looks like copied from this:

BTW, theres already an Command List(look up

Lol, I gave the guy who made that topic permission to use everything from my old console command list topic, which is locked.

For improvements: I'd say separate the commands into client-sided commands and server-sided commands.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2011, 11:35:54 AM by BobSevenSevens »