
Will you app for the UBB

I'm in it.

Author Topic: [UBB] United Blockland Builders. [UBE] United Blockland Eventers  (Read 2623 times)

I would like to welcome jjstorm!

I got the dedicated up and running and expect as little downtime as possible, and got an extra port if you need it
 :cookieMonster: :cookie: :cookie: Here are the apping cookies :D

I got the dedicated up and running and expect as little downtime as possible, and got an extra port if you need it
 :cookieMonster: :cookie: :cookie: Here are the apping cookies :D
I am going to be adding some custom prints and will be revamping the topic graphics, please do come by the server :D

I am going to be adding some custom prints and will be revamping the topic graphics, please do come by the server :D

So i got a new computer and now all the servers are dead, So... im kinda out of luck on playing bl. until i can buy a new network card...