Author Topic: Really weird dream  (Read 1996 times)

Does anybody else have dreams about driving, and really odd transportation systems?
I don't even drive :I

I had dreams I was trying to drive, hitting things, and when I truly wanted to control the vehicle, I'd be sluggish. D:

All my driving dreams are nightmares. :(

Does anyone else love the architecture in their dreams? All the buildings are well thought out and look great i wish a lot of them existed especially the interiors.

I had a dream that I almost choked to death, but the guy I didnt like saved my life, I was actually choking.

Make this a Dream Megathread,
« Last Edit: September 10, 2011, 11:15:37 PM by Cucumber! »


I had a really weird dream, I was being stalked by a ghost. A dangerous ghost, you could see it, but it was just a faint red outline of a man. The only people capable of stopping it were 2 rather tall white men, both in casual clothes. One had blonde hair and the other had black, the blonde guy had blue eyes and the guy with brown hair wore sunglasses the whole time. The ghost could actually kill you by simply touching you.

It didn't last long, but before the dream ended I had taken cover behind a bush and one of the guys had been touched by the ghost and dropped dead, I think it was the guy with the black hair and sunglasses. After that, the dream ended. I was telling myself the dream wasn't real over and over as it was going on but for some reason it just felt so real until I woke up, slightly shaking.

The stuff our minds conjure up, huh?

My weirdest dream:
I was walking wilth my mom and she told me it the spring concert.


I was in the school and I was trying out for a piano solo. I walked out of the gym and this boy was there waiting for me. He asked, "can I ask u something?" I said sure and he said, "have u seen my tooth?" I responded no and he said "it could be in your juice bottle. If its there can u give it back to me?" And I said sure


I was drinking juice and I found his tooth. It was yellow.

Idk wat I drank that day but that was plain weird

forget my dreams. They always involve horror and nothing happening up until the point my limbs randomly break in a horrific fashion.
is your icon from the quote "I'm Going To do an Internet!" "WOOOOOOOW"

I have recurring dreams where I die. Violently and painfully. Everything except the murder weapon is the same every time.