Author Topic: Promotion Drama  (Read 2774 times)

We're not your pillow to yell racial slurs in.  Go vent your anger somewhere else so you don't look like a huge homo.
Where the forget am i going to "vent my anger" as you call it at a military academy when the slightest thing is going to get me into a stuffload of trouble?
so, like
you can show off to other students? "lol u r just a PRIVAT XD XD! call me mr colonel and den suk my dik"

It looks good on a college resume
among other things

again, don't worry about it.

It looks good on a college resume
among other things.
Does it really? I didn't know that.

You need to demand to know why you haven't been promoted, and why those guys who have been there for only two months have. You need to show them some backbone and let them know you're not taking any stuff.

Page loss.

Where the forget am i going to "vent my anger" as you call it at a military academy when the slightest thing is going to get me into a stuffload of trouble?
There's a lot of safe ways to release anger calmly and quietly.

Or just take it out on a target in the rifle range if you can.  Bloodlust always works.

Oh well. At least I tried.

Page loss.

"shut up"

Past experiences have shown me that venting emotions on this forum is like venting car exhaust into a sealed building. It's very counterproductive and will most likely result in you waking up to find several people dead. I get it. You're angry. You have a right to be. Life can seem incredibly unfair at times. But bringing up your troubles here is just a big target for all the handicaps to come out of the woodwork and start slinging insults and doing whatever they can to be a douche. You need to back up and try to observe the situation from an outside perspective. Maybe there's another reason you haven't been promoted. Above all else, if you're getting upset, you should go see someone who will actually listen. I can't say I know how a military academy works, but don't you have a counselor or a chaplain or something?

hey asa, you see this wall of text?
read it.

well the main problem here in this thread is that you didn't say
A) why this is important
B) how someday ranks up

please tell us these details