
Good idea?

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Author Topic: Brick Groups  (Read 702 times)

I don't remember if I suggested this before, and if I did, it did not receive enough attention.
My proposition is that there would be two new things added; a box on the brick menu within which one would put brick group names, like the brick name box, except using commas to separate group names. The second part would be added event options targeting brickgroups, so one could do something that targets multiple bricks at the same time even if they have different names.

Another option, that would be in my opinion much simpler and easier for creation but necessary for Badspot to add, would be to have the default namedbrick event option changed so that you can specify multiple bricks.

I am a little confused, but I assume you mean being able to give bricks multiple names and being able to target multiple names with events.  Giving bricks multiple names might be somewhat useful, but it requires a complete rewrite of how brick names work.  Being able to target several brick names is actually something a decent scripter could whip up in a few minutes, not something badspot needs to add.

Isn't DrenDran working on this?

What I mean is that you would have the normal name box, but in addition a group name box, in which there could be multiple names (You're absolutely right, Nexus). The name box would be exactly the same as the group name box. Saving would have to be redone, so you're completely right there. However, since specifying multiple brick names is possible, I might look into that myself. I have no idea what DrenDran is working on, but it's completely possible. I would still prefer to have a group name box over anything else, but I would settle for less without fuss.
Thanks for responding, it is very helpful for me.

Before I begin delving, does anyone have any idea where to start making this event? The problem I am encountering right off the bat is that I cannot think of any added events that are for the targeting process. There are plentiful input and output events, but I cannot think of any in the middle yet. I will probably find something, but if anyone else thinks of something, I would be glad.

I would make an event for the self trigger that had an argument in which you could select thr bricks you wanted.  It would probably work better to have a text box where you just type in all the names, but having a whole bunch of dropdown lists would work too, if less efficiently and without being able to handle as much input.

Meaning that it would be something that would allow
OnActivate-Self-FireRelayGroup[Bubbles, Caskets, Alpacas, Meatballs]
instead of
                   [ Worms ]

I would be fine with that, it would work fine for me. Also, targeting multiple bricks would wreak havoc with VCE, so that's the best course of action. If I interpreted wrong, then please elaborate.

Looks kinda cool, but nowhere in that thread is anything I was looking for, thanks.

Looks kinda cool, but nowhere in that thread is anything I was looking for, thanks.
The name system is different though, if you choose fxDTSBrick as your target, you get an extra parameter.
The first parameter is the brick names box if the target is fxDTSBrick. You type in the bricks names. You can have more than one, and it'll automatically create separate events for each one after you click send,

If that isn't what you are looking for, then I have three boobs.

Oh I see. Sorry, I'm a total idiot. Thank you for the help!
I would like it without the wierd colors and modifications to the gui in general, since I (no offense) don't like changing what's good enough and simple.