Author Topic: BLUE HAWKS (3 Years in the Making)  (Read 5515 times)

« Last Edit: October 27, 2014, 09:27:12 AM by blueeyesjt1 »

TBH, this is actually a good RP group

their rules looks like it was been cropped from some sort of Battlefield server  :cookieMonster:

TBH, this is actually a good RP group

Thank you for saying that we appreciate it.

Will there be a way to apply for admin? Or is it donator's only?

Will there be a way to apply for admin? Or is it donator's only?
Ill update the forum to inform on  how to become admin.


this looks like it has alot of potential

Donate $1.00 or more to the website and Blueeyesjt1 will think about it.
i dont see any website on your OP
welp ill register and donate using, do you have an account for it?

i dont see any website on your OP
welp ill register and donate using, do you have an account for it?
That's not even mildly funny. Sorry, you try WAY to hard

That's not even mildly funny. Sorry, you try WAY to hard
1. where do you see a loving website on OP
2. so what if im funny umadbro