Author Topic: Simple Cube Zombies that infect player at once turn into zombies at will.  (Read 577 times)

Can someone be able to make a type of zombie but its just a very basic cube shape with different color contrast on each face and being able to recolor. Its just the most simplistic animation of turning and moving and jumping but when it touches you, you can get infected and turn into a zombie or die depending on the kind of bots, 2 kinds of bots for it, one is "The Killer" and the other one is the "Virus". Can someone make this? I really want this :(

Why would you want cube zombies?

Blockhead zombies are so much better, and we already have ZAPT and Bot Events.

Why would you want cube zombies?

Blockhead zombies are so much better, and we already have ZAPT and Bot Events.
And Left 4 Block

Why would you want cube zombies?

Why the hell not?

Maybe there is a virus out there that turns blockland minifigs into cubes.

Original idea. What about a zombie that works with somekind of zombie mod, that when harms you, you will start being infected, and if you don't heal or use a specific item in x seconds (depnding on the ammount of hurt by dis zombie), you will turn into a normal infected.