Author Topic: Aeris is back for round 3.  (Read 6302 times)

Okay, let's see you prove it lol.

i dont have to. its proven when you do nothing.

you have to prove you do

i dont have to. its proven when you do nothing.

you have to prove you do
Lolk, will do.

Orbital Bombardment Cannon, durr.

pretty sure you meant to say low orbit ion cannon

lol aeries is gonna get kicked out of the library.

"now i can't borrow the tale of desperaux!!! NOOO!!".

pretty sure you meant to say low orbit ion cannon
Frankly the copy I have is so old it didn't come with a name. Thanks for reminding me to grab a new one though. I hadn't realized it was so old.

get HOIC

... not that you'll actually do anything by yourself though (aka you at a library), you'll need a botnet of at least 50 to begin slowing any site

but plague you forgot

he's a master hacker!

get HOIC

... not that you'll actually do anything by yourself though (aka you at a library), you'll need a botnet of at least 50 to begin slowing any site
Library has 10. I have 3 spare computers. Private server links to nerd friend circle mainly consisting of local btards. Another copy on the highschool server which has 200ish and a link on /b/ for stuffstorm and giggles. kinda simple really.

do you know how forgeted you would be if the highschool caught you doing that?

do you know how forgeted you would be if the highschool caught you doing that?
Me? I'm not the only person at the highschool with a flashdrive. Besides, the school doesn't have an account for every student(goes with the hick county). Fairly easy to get around lol.

pacific/aeris/vagabond's avatar screams "come at me bro"

which is kinda relevant to the topic.

You need large scale stuff to bring down even a site like this.  A public library (which you probably have jack stuff on, yeah nice bluff friend) and your house will be like shooting guns into the air trying to hope to hit anything.

I have had people try to DDoS my IP because I banned them from Minecraft.  Barely affected me.

how can you be so pathetic

it's a loving forum for legos

grow up