Author Topic: What build is this on the homepage?  (Read 2349 times)
lol fraps counter on the picture

also why are a few of them underwater lol
default builds that is
i remember that block party :D
my house is there in the background, and to the right was my island i think
and at that table i think badspot sat down and a bunch of people crowded around him

people notice how there on slate??? (new default maps mybey!!!)
Because it's better to build things in a big empty space.

haha sleven, that second picture of barnabas' town+vehicles is one I took.

haha sleven, that second picture of barnabas' town+vehicles is one I took.

Yeah I remember

people notice how there on slate??? (new default maps mybey!!!)

Does this mean JVS content will be default?

Does this mean JVS content will be default?
And those leave things in OP
and barnabas' vehicles

Honestly I think Badspot was just choosing pictures that he thought were nice and represented the game well, but it is possible.

Honestly I think Badspot was just choosing pictures that he thought were nice and represented the game well, but it is possible.
Yeah, add-ons are a big part of the game

I'd love to see JVS and Barnabas/Phydeoux's vehicles default.

I honestly don't think JVS would be that appropriate for default.  It's a great mod but it being a DTS inside of a BLB shape rather than being entirely a BLB is a minor turn off for default-quality.

It just shows how far you can push Blockland. Some of the builds contain non-default and showcase not only what you can create, but what you can use to create.

Could someone tell me what build this is on the home page and who made it and where I could possibly find it?  It is super cool.

i was going to be a tdm but then i just stopped building it for some reason. i want to make a similar themed build possibly for some type of gamemode though. but the idea i've had for the new build was to have it above the clouds on giant mountain peaks, again, similar to the one in this picture, only much bigger.
It is super cool.

It just shows how far you can push Blockland. Some of the builds contain non-default and showcase not only what you can create, but what you can use to create.