Author Topic: [Resource] Default Client Message Callbacks  (Read 2656 times)

These can be quite useful.

Listed by ID, then name.
2, handleClientInYourMiniGame
3, handleClientJoin
4, handleInitTeams
5, handleAddTeam
6, handleRemoveTeam
7, handleSetTeamName
8, handleAddClientToTeam
9, handleRemoveClientFromTeam
10, handleSetTeamCaptain
11, handleLoadInfoMessage
12, handleLoadDescriptionMessage
13, handleLoadMapPictureMessage
14, handleLoadInfoDoneMessage
15, handleConnectionErrorMessage
16, handleYourDeath
17, handleYourSpawn
18, handleError
19, handleAdminForce
20, handleClearBricks
21, handlePlantError
22, handlePlantError
23, handlePlantError
24, handlePlantError
25, handlePlantError
26, handlePlantError
27, handlePlantError
28, handlePlantError
29, handlePlantError
30, handlePlantError
31, handlePlantError
32, handleItemPickup
33, handleDropItem
34, handleClearInv
35, handleHilightInv
36, handleEquipInv
37, handleDeEquipInv
38, handleSetInvData
39, handleStartTalking
40, handleStopTalking
41, handleUploadStart
42, handleUploadEnd
43, handleProcessComplete

I got these by starting Blockland in trace mode.

You may also find this preference extremely useful. Set it to true and join a server, then look in console.


port where do you find this stuff?

port where do you find this stuff?

I am a magical unicorn.

  • $Con::warnUndefinedVariables
  • export( "$*", "config/whatever.txt" );

I am a magical unicorn.

  • $Con::warnUndefinedVariables
  • export( "$*", "config/whatever.txt" );
How many lines is that file lol

How many lines is that file lol

Depends on how many add-ons you have and what you've done in-game. An example line count with a few add-ons and just having started the game is 1755.

export( "$*", "config/whatever.txt" );
export( "*", "config/whatever.txt" );


i win

export( "*", "config/whatever.txt" );


i win

you win a free nothing, go and enjoy it