Author Topic: I'm suspecting that Lord Tony's hacked me.  (Read 14380 times)

Today a lot of things are possible. You can get a virus by only viewing(because you download it) a infected picture. This happened to me 1 year ago, a guy named teddybär did pmed me a troll picture, which infected my PC and is something like a keylogger. So, i did wrote "forget you, hacker" and well, then i reinstalled my PC.

The only way to get a virus is to run executable code on your computer. It's that simple. Images are not executable code. Your argument is invalid, unless you decided to download, rename the image to an EXE file and run it.

The only way to get a virus is to run executable code on your computer. It's that simple. Images are not executable code. Your argument is invalid, unless you decided to download, rename the image to an EXE file and run it.
Why the forget, did i got the virus then? After i got the link, i pressed on it and a troll picture appeared, then my PC was messed up. So, your argument is invalid. You should use "Google" (if you know that word) and search for "Getting virus from pictures"

IT IS POSSIBLE! But it doesn't happen very often.