Author Topic: [Video] Tank Story 3  (Read 1111 times)

I decided i wanted a few more baftas, So i made another one. I've decided this is a prequel for no reason.

In this thrilling edition of the award winning Tank Story saga, The person the camera looks at most of the time looks in a shop window.

I have noted that video quality is slightly lower than should be acceptable, As i'm such a brilliant artist i'm going to say this was on purpose.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2012, 06:09:06 AM by tails »

I liked this one just as much as the others

seemed a bit cut short but it really had a subtle comedic quality and I hope you make more classic-ish blockland videos like this

also I'm not a fan of the "obscure video game background track". That's really just a personal preference but It's become far too common with videos lately and these songs really start to grate after a while for me
« Last Edit: May 04, 2012, 08:52:37 AM by Supreme Guy »

seemed a bit cut short
You're right i don't know why i didn't see that, Maybe i should have had another scene after the tank that was just him dead.

and I hope you make more classic-ish blockland videos like this
I'm working on tank story 4 right now! And i have a story idea for 5 as well (And it all fits into the same world.). I've had a movie story written for like a year too.

The idea was neat and some parts were charming.
But the acting was... not so good.

And that annoying 30 second credit role is out of place in a 1:30 minuet video.

The acting is supposed to suck.

Sucky acting makes the video suck that more unless the story and music back it up.
This has a humorous storyline, bad acting just didn't fit.

My main issue was with the arm failing. The actor took a bit to fully activate it.

I wanted it to be like that, He was getting more excited.

Next time get the noob to steal the tank and drive it down the highway blowing up other cars.

Oh he'll get his tank all right.