
What would be a better machine gun?

0 (0%)
3 (37.5%)
1 (12.5%)
Halo SMG/silenced
2 (25%)
Assault rifle
2 (25%)
Full Auto pistol
0 (0%)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 8

Author Topic: How to make an addon.....?  (Read 974 times)

How do i make an addon if you do um i dont know what....? Just tell me how to mke an addon...?

Depends on the add-on you want to make. There's several different methods requiring several different programs.

First learn TorqueScript.

Next learn how to model (If you're making a weapon)

Finally, make the script for the addon, package it, and release it.

Ya but how do i make the script?

SpreadsPlague i want to make like a gun or a uhh something like a gun or I WANT TO MAKE A MACHINE GUN! ok got that i want to make a machine gun.

Um can you send me the link to a good note pad or just i no dont sent me on i have a good on ok got it.

even though you have a
good on ok got it.


I recommend using what I posted above

also making a conscious effort to throw some commas in there somewhere would help everyone out a lot

Oh im useing http://secure.uberdownloads.org/jump/free-notepad/?pk=5791

Can you script already, because its very hard, i give you an example:

Taken from Weapon_Gun

stuff like this:

datablock AudioProfile(gunShot1Sound)
   filename    = "./gunShot1.wav";
   description = AudioClose3d;
   preload = true;
datablock AudioProfile(bulletHitSound)
   filename    = "./bulletHit.wav";
   description = AudioClose3d;
   preload = true;

datablock DebrisData(gunShellDebris)

Once you understand what datablocks are, how they are setup etc, it's all cookie cutter stuff until you reach functions and the like.
Then it'll take a while.