Author Topic: Praestigiae - Text-Based Adventure  (Read 625 times)

locked cause i dont have the time anymore
Fancy title sometime later...

"Well hello there, how are you?"

You wake up to find yourself in a hallway. It's lit, but not very well. At least you can see clearly.

"Feeling like you've been blacked out for a while? That should dissapate in a bit."

Both sides of the hallway has a single door with a solid handle. Both are closed, and do not have windows. They seem to be made of a metallic substance.

You look up to see a speaker built into the wall. Accompanying it is a dome-shaped camera, similar to those security cameras you remember seeing outside a factory. A lock-manufacturing facility?

"Well, hopefully you're fully conscious. Wouldn't do to have a half-insane man rescue me."


"By the way, I'm Rube. And you should get going. Something's approaching your hallway. I'll try to contact you later." The speaker clicks off.

All you have on you is a pair of glasses and a pen.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2012, 11:35:53 PM by Conan »

Walk forwards to door and check to see if it opens

ok decided I wouldnt abandon this

You decide to try the door to your left first. As you get up, you begin to feel vibrations under your feet.

You take two steps towards the door, then fall down when something hits the door on the other side rather hard. The lights above you shake a bit.

Turning around, you dash towards the other door, but fall as the door is dented again by the creature. Sensing the urgency of the moment all too well, you get up as fast as you can and pull open the door to reveal an unlit room beyond. The light fades quickly into darkness into that room. You can vaguely make out a desk and some chairs, as well as stairs farther into the room. The top of the stairs is total darkness. There seems to be some doors, but you aren't sure if they're locked.

go into the room and close the door, if you can find chairs nearby try barricading the door

alternately run like forget being careful to not trip

You stumble into the room as the creature hits the door again. Looking back, you see a noticable dent in the door.

Quickly, you turn around and pull the door behind you closed, but leave yourself in pitch darkness. You decide to push open the door a slight bit as you acclimate your eyes to the darkness.

Meanwhile you push the desk to the door and prepare to push it into the door, shutting the door. You hear the door on the other side crash once more.

Do you run while you still have light, or push the door shut and try your best to navigate the darkness?You stumble into the room

Where? Try the doors or attempt to climb stairs, or hide?

Bump from the brink.

C'mon people I actually want to try on this,

Find something that you could use as a weapon (chair leg, check the desk for a letter opener etc) then hide.

You quickly open the drawers of the desk to see if any useful weapons could be hidden there. All the drawers, however, contain paper and folders. One drawer is locked.

You search for a key within the paper mess to no avail. Meanwhile you hear the door on the other side crash open.

Deciding the best course of action is to hide, you abandon the doorway and attempt to climb those stairs you located earlier. However, 11 steps up, you find the stairway blocked with rubble.

All you can see is the faint light coming from the doorway, and you notice a shadow obscure most of the already dim light.

Slowly, the door swings open. An arm - is it an arm? - is seen to push it open