Author Topic: My school is on the news! - next week!  (Read 1164 times)

No, you will be Awarded, By your Brave Acts.

"And the heroic *FaecDog's name here* took an invisible bullet for a cameraman by jumping in the way right before it was fired. Fortunately he survived and nobody was hurt."

Comedy, any chance you could record it and upload it to YT?

I don't live in the Detroit area (I live in AZ, Mohave area), but I'd love to see it.

Lol my school was on the news too

there was an alleged armed gunman on campus so we went into lockdown and SWAT came strapped along with countless helicopters.

Then they found him like a mile away in town drunk and arrested him

now we can all find where you live and who you are

I was on television when my team won our Cross Country State Open :D

Comedy, any chance you could record it and upload it to YT?

I don't live in the Detroit area (I live in AZ, Mohave area), but I'd love to see it.

Sure, why not?

Edit: My school will be on the news next week.
now go make a video with some beloved character going to a flip-stuff! like THAT other piece of art!

now go make a video with some beloved character going to a flip-stuff! like THAT other piece of art!
Butthurt much?

Comedy, any chance you could record it and upload it to YT?

I don't live in the Detroit area (I live in AZ, Mohave area), but I'd love to see it.

What city, bro.