Author Topic: Permanently banned for cursing?  (Read 18136 times)

Ahem, you did not just say "hell". you said damn, which i kicked for. it says clearly in the welcome message and the rules and i enforce it. the fact you came back and went ahead and cursed again i took rather offencively, so i banned you. i extremely rarely perma ban people, usually its for 2-4 hours too. and i havent allowed cursing ever before in my hosting, and your the only person in who has gotten up and whined about it.
the only thing "wrong" with me is that i like brocolli :)
If you're going to defend why you did the handicapped thing that you did, at least do it with proper grammar and spelling.
Also, it really should be explained on your server what words are bad. Sure, I can understand bitch, ass, stuff, and forget, even though they're bleeped out.
I don't understand why damn and hell are offensive, but on the other hand, I'm an atheist.


If you're going to defend why you did the handicapped thing that you did, at least do it with proper grammar and spelling.
Also, it really should be explained on your server what words are bad. Sure, I can understand bitch, ass, stuff, and forget, even though they're bleeped out.
I don't understand why damn and hell are offensive, but on the other hand, I'm an atheist.

i'd Like to, but does anybody know where i can put a list of "dont" words?

i'd Like to, but does anybody know where i can put a list of "dont" words?

Etard filter

everybody says that. but what your trying to say is 'its not my fault i cursed, its your fault for not blocking me' i do have an EXTREMELY long list of e-tard words, but all people need to do to get by is misspell a word, or say 'f***!!!!' as opposed to f***, which is blocked. doing these additions for every form of every word is very tedious, and what i already got works alright.

I still wanna know how you got a question mark in the png filename.
You can put them in the filenames?

"f***" is censored

why do you have a problem with this

why do you just not have your censor on

in the rare case of someone thinking that the filter can't be turned off and saying something like "F U C K S H I T D I C K S" just ban them, i might just kick them for being stupid lol.

how the sun is the perfect distance from the earth not to burn us,
Malformed question.

how the moon is on the perfect angle from the sun?
I don't understand the question.

Also, more blasphemy.
I believe that jesus wasn't immaculately concieved (concived w/o a father.)
I believe that Mary went through a process known as parthenogenesis, where a baby can be concieved without a father.
Let's see what K9 thinks of that.

"f***" is censored

why do you have a problem with this

why do you just not have your censor on

in the rare case of someone thinking that the filter can't be turned off and saying something like "F U C K S H I T D I C K S" just ban them, i might just kick them for being stupid lol.
forgets hit richards?

i Really think that theres more to the universe than that. no?
how the sun is the perfect distance from the earth not to burn us,
how the moon is on the perfect angle from the sun?
at what point did the rocks and chemicals form "life"?
I'm sorry, I have to give my rebuttal on this.
You're speaking as if we're the only intelligent life that exists, when there's a good damn chance we aren't.
We live on a special planet that is inside what is colloquially reffered to as the "goldilocks" zone. It is an area around a star where a planet gets the perfect amount of sunlight to support life. What are the sheer odds that we are the only planet in the universe that is in said zone? The scientific community went briefly semi apestuff upon the discovery of Kepler 22b, a planet well within the
zone and has been observed as having clouds. Clouds means water, which means a breeding
ground for organisms that could eventually become intelligent life. Even if there is no intelligent life
on kepler, it's possible that we could colonize it.
Now that I've explained all that, tell me again how it's impossible for our distance from the sun to be anything but a result of divine intervention.

We live on a special planet that is inside what is colloquially reffered to as the "goldilocks" zone.
Still a malformed assertion, you're thinking only about life on Earth.

Still a malformed assertion, you're thinking only about life on Earth.
What are the sheer odds that we are the only planet in the universe that is in said zone? The scientific community went briefly semi apestuff upon the discovery of Kepler 22b, a planet well within the
zone and has been observed as having clouds. Clouds means water, which means a breeding
ground for organisms that could eventually become intelligent life. Even if there is no intelligent life
on kepler, it's possible that we could colonize it.
Read the whole post before making yours, Kalph.