Author Topic: More Real lifeness mod  (Read 4340 times)

I think it sounds cool. Maybe, you can have something i this mod, where if you have, maybe a compputor item, meaning you have a computor, you can buy blockland, within blockland!

And then you can play blockland within blockland. Eventually you can buy a computer in the blockland within blockland, enabling you to play blockland in the blockland within blockland!


*Tape buys Blockland within Blockland and rips open the time space continuum.

I think it sounds cool. Maybe, you can have something i this mod, where if you have, maybe a compputor item, meaning you have a computor, you can buy blockland, within blockland!

Don't be silly! First you have to get a job within Blockland, and work for the money, to purchase a Blockland Blockland key from Blockland Badspot!