Author Topic: I have a really bad habbit of asking my friends for help  (Read 726 times)

When I'm trying to script something and come across a problem I cannot overcome, I ask a friend on steam, if that friend cannot help then I move onto the next

the only one that has had a problem with this I noticed is Eksi, he will ask me who else I have asked

I also have come to only asking them for help, nothing else

I know it probably bothers alot of them on the list, and for that I am sorry

Isnt that what friends are for?

That's what friends are for

Well I doubt you can call them friends if its strictly asking for help, nothing even comes close to an actual conversation

there is very few players on my list I have done so with

or I have had a conversation with at the start and it has turned into the help problem
« Last Edit: August 02, 2012, 08:10:21 AM by Conservative »

I only asked who else you asked because I was entirely clueless about it; I wondered if you'd asked anyone more likely to have a useful answer before me.

I only asked who else you asked because I was entirely clueless about it; I wondered if you'd asked anyone more likely to have a useful answer before me.
Well you've asked me twice before, and I seem to recall you establishing that you had a problem with it

kinda got me thinking about who else might be annoyed by this

General was also a friend of mine quite a bit ago, we are no longer friends because of my habbit

Asking for help isn't a bad thing, but maybe you should only ask your friends that actually script?
Only time I bug my friends asking for help is if it's on a subject I know they have knowledge of, or if I'm already talking to them.

Maybe you should only ask your friends that actually script?
Only time I bug my friends asking for help is if it's on a subject I know they have knowledge of, or if I'm already talking to them.
I only ask the people that I know might have some experience with the subject

I guess it might also be a problem with relating to one-another

its rare for me to get into a good conversation with someone

One time I asked everyone on my steam friends list for help on Spanish
Nobody knew the answer but it was pretty hilarious to see them guess x3
Honestly I wouldnt be annoyed if someone asked me for help a lot, its actually a good thing cause that means they think Im smart ^.^ I wouldnt feel bad about it if I were you.

Honestly I wouldnt be annoyed if someone asked me for help a lot, its actually a good thing cause that means they think Im smart ^.^ I wouldnt feel bad about it if I were you.
I get annoyed when its on a topic I dont know anything about, then i feel like a doofus.

One time I asked everyone on my steam friends list for help on Spanish
Nobody knew the answer but it was pretty hilarious to see them guess x3
Honestly I wouldnt be annoyed if someone asked me for help a lot, its actually a good thing cause that means they think Im smart ^.^ I wouldnt feel bad about it if I were you.
El duo pre ling weeno?