Author Topic: Client-side inventory shortcuts [UPDATED - v2]  (Read 2785 times)


Get tired of scrolling through your weapons? Pick the wrong item in a fight and face the ugly consequences (death)? Want a mod so that you can pick your weapon with a keyboard shortcut like almost every other 3D game?

If you answered yes to at least one-eighth of any of the questions above, then this add-on is for you. You can bind a key to select the each slot of your inventory, all the way up to 9!

  • Pressing your Slot X key will switch you directly to the respective slot in your inventory
  • Pressing your Slot X key while that slot is already open will close your inventory


Client_SlotBinds (v2)

Similar to v1, but this version lets you keep your brick buttons bound.

Client_SlotBinds v2 only uses a single keybind, which, when pressed, will switch between your bricks and your inventory.

For example, pressing your brick menu's 1st slot button would bring up the first of 10 bricks you have selected.  Pressing the single keybind used in v2 will toggle over to your inventory, so pressing your slot 1 button will open your first inventory slot. Pressing the button again will switch back over to your bricks.

Note that the slots will default to bricks.

The toggle also includes a nifty notification of which mode you are using and a sound to go with it.

v2 is packaged separately rather than overwriting the previous version, due to the difference in keybinding methods. It also allows players to use the old version if they feel.

« Last Edit: August 06, 2012, 10:18:33 PM by Wheatley »

I presume this only has a certain number of slots, as you couldn't figure out your problem from coding help?
I presume this is fully dynamic?
« Last Edit: August 05, 2012, 11:18:06 PM by Lugnut »

I presume this only has a certain number of slots, as you couldn't figure out your problem from coding help?
I presume this is fully dynamic?
Dynamic how?
Uh, sure.

calculates the number of keybinds based on the number of max slots?

No, when the key is pressed, it checks if that's a valid key (basically if that slot is above how many slots the player has). If not, it does nothing.
Without this check, the first slot would open if they didn't have such a slot

do you think we could make this into a swap-toggle kind of thing with the brick menu

when you press X on the keyboard, the game swaps out the brick menu hotkey binds for the appropriate weapon equipment binds

that way, we can have two loadouts on the same row: one that everyone already has muscle memory for anyway

(by the way, that should come with a sound. but i think everything should, so take that with a grain of salt)

Get tired of scrolling through your weapons? Pick the wrong item in a fight and face the ugly consequences (death)?
Lol, happens to me all the time.

This will be handy for people that use Dark Samus in Pecon's boss battles. 5/5

And yes this would be nice.
do you think we could make this into a swap-toggle kind of thing with the brick menu

when you press X on the keyboard, the game swaps out the brick menu hotkey binds for the appropriate weapon equipment binds

that way, we can have two loadouts on the same row: one that everyone already has muscle memory for anyway

(by the way, that should come with a sound. but i think everything should, so take that with a grain of salt)

do you think we could make this into a swap-toggle kind of thing with the brick menu

when you press X on the keyboard, the game swaps out the brick menu hotkey binds for the appropriate weapon equipment binds

that way, we can have two loadouts on the same row: one that everyone already has muscle memory for anyway

(by the way, that should come with a sound. but i think everything should, so take that with a grain of salt)
So, just a single bind which will swap you between brick/inventory mode?

That's a good idea. I had originally thought of checking (if possible) if the the user was in a minigame, and if so, use the default brick menu keys for inventory shortcuts instead. But I threw that idea away because people sometimes build in minigames.

I'll look into it, maybe release it as a separate version.
(If you come up with a good sound, I might add it in. It would work as a nice notifier for the toggling.)

Added a new version to the OP.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2012, 10:19:21 PM by Wheatley »

do you think we could make this into a swap-toggle kind of thing with the brick menu

when you press X on the keyboard, the game swaps out the brick menu hotkey binds for the appropriate weapon equipment binds

that way, we can have two loadouts on the same row: one that everyone already has muscle memory for anyway

(by the way, that should come with a sound. but i think everything should, so take that with a grain of salt)
Woops lol, i read that wrong. I was thinking Bushido was saying "could you make it so we could have two weapons/tools loadout. Say if you were hosting a TDM and were adding on to something, you could have one loadout have your weapons and the other loadout have the hammer, duplicator, etc.