Author Topic: Blockland 2008 - 2009 Photos (v10-v11)  (Read 1689 times)

you're going to tell me why I don't like you?

Whats the difference between you telling me how I think and what I do?


Just the way it is lady, dates don't lie.

no we didn't, don't know where you pulled that from
you told me that you guys use to talk to eachother and you thought he was an alright guy.
that's my idea of being somewhat friends, then you said he starting making videos and constructing an ego of himself.

I always find the ego thing funny. You only talk about my ego being Blockland related because its the only part of me you have knowledge to comment on. Its a really narrow perspective.

Protip when you mention my ego in the future; someone's ego is not based on trivial things like online games. I have an ego, everyone has one, its unhealthy to not. But my ego is not built on the last few years I've been playing Blockland in my downtime, soz guise, I have been alive pre-BL believe it or not.  :cookieMonster:

 Everything I do and post in Blockland is entirely because I'm bored, you shouldn't get so worked up over it.

Stop arguing and enjoy the pictures.

OnTopic: Really nice pics OP, looks like ya had fun.

Stop arguing and enjoy the pictures.

OnTopic: Really nice pics OP, looks like ya had fun.

Thanks, yeah it was a fun. Community was a little more consistent then in my opinion, we are a lot bigger and dynamic now.

Icygamma is a centipede but those screenshots are good.

Icygamma is a centipede but those screenshots are good.

All my legs make buying shoes a chore.

Why is everyone always saying that V11 was so much better and you should of been there like a richard, that wasn't even that long ago.

if my computer wasn't borked, i'd post the image of kapturrith raping icygamma.

Why is everyone always saying that V11 was so much better and you should of been there like a richard, that wasn't even that long ago.

Nobody has, ever.

You are thinking of v8.

Wow, I never realized I was around then.  I remember when the longhorn was released, and that was a while after i joined.