Author Topic: Skype Window Question  (Read 494 times)

Is there a way to make it so that Skype doesn't always have a window open on Windows 7? It's really annoying to alt tab out of Blockland to Skype instead of the forums.

I had to Google it and do some stuff but yes there is a way but I don't remember how.

I asked here so I could avoid Googling. :(

Is there a way to make it so that Skype doesn't always have a window open on Windows 7? It's really annoying to alt tab out of Blockland to Skype instead of the forums.
There's a setting somewhere in the "advanced" area where it's a checkbox that says something akin to "keep skype in the taskbar when I'm signed in".  Uncheck it, and you should be able to close it without quitting Skype.