Author Topic: What to build?  (Read 605 times)

Ive noticed i haven't been building and that
is the main reason to play blockland. but whenever
i have ideas i cant put the image my brain makes
onto the game! i also have the ideas, but shortly
forget them afterwards because i cant bother
to make them. so I'm asking you, to tell me and others
that have this problem what to build and what can
motivate youself. thank you :)

I have the same problem.  :panda:
be prepared for like 50 billion joke suggestions though

Try coming up with building modules that you can use to make bigger buildings.

I have the same problem.  :panda:
be prepared for like 50 billion joke suggestions though


Create something using the Terrain Guide. That is fun and produces very good outcomes.

you can always looks around for people who need help on things (ME) or look for community builds.

you can always looks around for people who need help on things (ME) or look for community builds.
:o Need help? Perhaps I can be of service?

Also, write down stuff. I had a list of like 10 things last year that I thought were cool. In school or whatever, you think of something, just jot it down on a paper.

Hmm... What are you interested in though/ what do you want to make/ theme? Modern, space, Medieval, Zombies, ETC.?

:o Need help? Perhaps I can be of service?
yea if you ever wanna help just RTB me or send a pm i can usually always find something cool to work on.