Author Topic: Is Eeposs' signature bannable?  (Read 2319 times)

I was banned for this earlier, so yes, its bannable.

how is he cyber bullying
cyber bullying and trolling are the same things

cyber bullying and trolling are the same things
"cyber bullying" is just a term people use for people who stalk marshmallow vaginas and insult them to make them cry

trolling is just trying to get people mad in general for the reaction

"cyber bullying" is just a term people young childrenuse for people who stalk marshmallow vaginas and insult them to make them cry
ftfy, me

thanks, me

So you clicked it and it would lead you to the Drama area and you just had to hit post?

The whole "if you make drama about trolls you feed them!!!" thing is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Maybe you do, but the point is to make users aware of their stupidity. It IS giving them attention but who cares? You can alert people that they shouldn't be allowed on certain servers because they'll just troll, so people can ban them, and their reing of trolling ends. Eepos is a moron and I'm not sure why he doesn't have that much dramas on him.
no that's not how people on the forums do it, if you have been trolled enough to get the attention that they want, and if it's negative it makes it more enjoyable for the troll.

sorry sport.

i believe in some countries cyber bullying is illegal
In New Jersey it's illegal :v

no that's not how people on the forums do it, if you have been trolled enough to get the attention that they want, and if it's negative it makes it more enjoyable for the troll.

sorry sport.

yeah that's exactly what i said, get your head out of your ass.
i know that it gives them attention but people make it to alert them so they can ban these people from their servers or just know that they're morons. there is no disadvantage for anyone when trolls get attention. stop acting like there is.

cyber bullying and trolling are the same things

No, cyberbullying is using the internet as a proxy to bully someone who you know IRL
Why would you think that's the same as trolling lol

I put mine back, I run the risk of failure.