Author Topic: [60x100] AvoiDead  (Read 2256 times)

2 - Revelations

"Dear Div Oadea, I am your former self, something has happened in this world, I can't exactly explain you what, unfortunately. People began being separated.. But at the same time, castes began to form, there are some creatures out there, no one knows what, and I can't explain you... But if you see something looking any different than yourself, run; they call them Matildas. One chased me here and I decided to end it all, it was worthless in my time but I left a seal... it should be gone now and you would've gone unnoticed, but you need to trust me, I was you from a previous life, you currently awoken as a new self, you are me, but from another life, I don't know when you will be awake or what will happen, or what your current self will like to wear, so, there are some clothing in the closet. To prevent anyone coming in, I took out the doorknob too, you will also find it in the closet. You need to get out and find a way to the Metro systems and get to Karaybola Station, you shouldn't be able to remember what that is, but trust me, once you get there, look for a guy named Mikhail and give him this note, he'll know what to do... That is, if he's still alive.

Whatever you do, stay alive, you are gifted, so was I"

A spit of blood is on one of the corners of the paper, you can't see any cuts on yourself but you guess it your former self's blood; upon closer inspection it symbolizes half of a skull.

This chills your bones, you don't know what to do, but after a slight frown you head to the drawer and open it. There is indeed clothing there, quite plenty to choose from. Besides that, there's the doorknob, and a handgun with a full clip, you decide to dress up in [REDACTED] and take the doorknob and pistol (obviously the magazine too) with you.

You now know your name, Div Oadea... That's a good start. You don't know anything about your age, or what your former self meant through the note... But something tells you that you need to get to that metro station. Some chills and a slight headache hits you again, and you also remember more several things, including what a metro station is... And the name, Mikhail, rings a broken bell, but you can't really tell who he is for now.

You sigh in disappointment and in relief then look at the door, as you put your hand on the doorknob, you open the door... On the other side [...].

>What clothing do you give the character? (Note: Must be casual clothing, nothing exotic or military).
« Last Edit: December 11, 2012, 06:19:18 PM by LeetZero »


But at the same time, castes began to form, there are some creatures out there, no one knows what, and I can't explain you... But if you see something looking any different than yourself, run; they call them Matildas.
i love you so hard
« Last Edit: December 11, 2012, 06:28:58 PM by Shell »

thong hooded sweater, striped shirt, jeans and the SICKEST PAIR OF BOOTS YOU'VE EVER SEEN

thong hooded sweater, striped shirt, jeans and the SICKEST PAIR OF BOOTS YOU'VE EVER SEEN

Need more definition on it. (Mostly colors).

Need more definition on it. (Mostly colors).
dark gray hooded sweater
striped shirt (red/black)
jeans (pale blue)
wicked badass boots (black)

dark gray hooded sweater
striped shirt (red/black)
jeans (pale blue)
wicked badass boots (black)

Accepted, working on next chapter.

3 - Regrets

You sigh in disappointment and in relief then look at the door, as you put your hand on the doorknob, you open the door... On the other side [...].

[...] you regret what you done. You regret waking up, you regret reading the note, you regret opening the door.
As chill thrives in your body and mind, you still have the feeling you need to find Mikhail, and perhaps as soon as possible, and you hope that he's not dead... But for now... How will you get down? The "golden" plate on the wall says you are on the 6th floor.

What do you do?

Time to go to sleep, will do the next issue in the morning, till then you guys suggest what to do.

4 - Luck

...Aand you decide to jump out of the window, jumping off the ruined part would've meant your 100% death considering the rubble down there... Aand you jump without hestiation.


Well that was relieving. You notice the building is now only covered in moss and less destroyed down here, and a lot of garbage around you and... a spill of blood.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2012, 02:01:17 PM by LeetZero »

you must be hungry
eat the matress