Author Topic: Permissions - 1.4 out now, with S+S support  (Read 18467 times)

Where is the list of commands?
Obviously I can just look in the code, but other people want to see it as well.

Oh, right, sorry. As I said, there currently pretty much are none. Of course I'll add a list when I get around to actually adding that.

Well, there is the GUI, true, but that's not optimized for direct client usage. For now there is no proper documentation for that and it will probably be remade when/if the new GUI comes along. But for now the easiest would probably be to just look at the source (client and server).

Environment control and game-mode change permissions coming soon?

Environment control and game-mode change permissions coming soon?
Whenever I get around to checking what commands I need to package.

Whenever I get around to checking what commands I need to package.
serverCmdEnvGui_SetVar(%client, %variable, %value)

%variable is something like this: DayCycleEnabled
%value is obviously the value that should be tied to said variable. daycycleenabled is a boolean, obviously. dayLength is an integer, obivously. you get the idea

that's the ones for advanced environment control.

serverCmdEnvGui_SetVar(%client, %variable, %value)

%variable is something like this: DayCycleEnabled
%value is obviously the value that should be tied to said variable. daycycleenabled is a boolean, obviously. dayLength is an integer, obivously. you get the idea

that's the ones for advanced environment control.
I know, I added it a while ago.

1.4 is pretty much ready for release, a beta is available here (remember to rename).

  • Fixed a bug regarding saving roles with inheritance
  • Added support for giving players permissions directly (no GUI yet)
  • v21/S+S update compatibility

Contact me if you want to do the new GUI

1.4 has now been released officially (same as the beta). RTB version pending approval.