Author Topic: Japan Radiation - Cover up  (Read 1644 times)

Bisjac likes to blow events like this out of proportion as if there's some underlying conspiracy.  No idea if he's trolling or not at this point.

Like WW3 thats happening this year or next year? I forgot when he said it was gonna happen but know it was really close.

the meltdown hasnt even happened yet, but they arent any bit closer to stopping it.
of course though the radiation circling the globe has been ongoing from it.
they been on it for months of course, but havnt been able to do a thing about it. (the japan part)

im not the one claiming conspiracy. just because its not being discussed on the tv news dosnt mean its a cover up. plenty other sources are following it.

chernobl wasnt spewing it across the globe. it happened and it stopped. and only the local area was affected. japan's plant isnt even close to finished.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 03:04:42 AM by Bisjac »

I live in Cali...

Please no, I don't want to be sterile or have deformed babies :C

Without them we would all be victims of the corrupt government and their open pro nuclear stance.

I ignored it after seeing this whopper. Nuclear energy is fantastic, it's extraordinary efficient at producing energy and is generally safe as long as proper precautions are untertaken to prevent meltdowns. The idea that supporting this type of energy is bad is utterly ridiculous.

I was watching American television again, and some dude in California was collecting all the seeds in the world or some such stuff because according to him, a cloud of "radioactiveness" or something was still about to arrive from Japan.

i find it hard to trust that site, And once again that it's not mentioned by any respectable sources.

Also i'm not sure i want to trust a site that's trying to sell me a natural cures video for $1,000.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 03:24:21 AM by tails »

Natural News, a reputable news source!
Oh, now that we're debating's validity, let me get SeventhSandwich in here to squash any hope of it's relevancy to anything.

Come to Cali for the fresh air, the view, and medicinal marijuana!

Stay for the leftover radiation a cadaver.

Yeah I was gonna say Natural News is on my list of bullstuff sources, seen a lot of crapola from there.

I followed a couple of the links about radiation levels increasing in California, but I have yet to see any concrete details about just how many rads they're talking about.

So that's why everyone around here has been getting radiation poisoning. Because it's totally happening, dood.

Try not to eat any bananas.

itt: conspiracy theorists

The radiation from chernobyl did spread across the globe but in small amounts and so has the Fukashima plant