Author Topic: I can't stand ugly CityRPG terrein  (Read 2610 times)

So your asking city rp makers to make better terrain?  It's not that easy to improve cubescaping, terraining abilities.  I suck at terrain all together as a whole.  As you mentioned mine in there, I believe this is what your reminded of:

Theres the one. also are you going to make anouther RPG?


I think I have vague memories of going to Surb's City RPG, but I wish I remembered a lot. It sure was fun while I was there.

Cciamlazy's CityRPG 2.0 had a great build, but the currency was so loving inflated.

Vigilance seems to have attempted to build better terrein in his spring district.

Actually, I ended up building quite alot of the dupes for spring, and he had several non-admins build for him for that little park. Vigi doesn't want to change anything about the city. He won't clear the spam/stuff/useless builds either, and that's what pisses the admins (myself included) off the most.

It's a decent server if you have a good sense of humor and don't want people to expect you to build a picaso, but the jobs... oh the jobs. Military jobs with no clean record required, aka; overpowered robo cop with a free getoutofjail pass.

Every CityRPG I go to it's like, "Okay you have to mine coal for 10 hours and then get $100 to buy groceries".

Every CityRPG I go to it's like, "Okay you have to mine coal for 10 hours and then get $100 to buy groceries".

Or you just do what I do, use the mousefire(1); in console, say "I'm gonna read a book" or something that nobody gives a stuff about, then get 3 other friends / associates / 'gang-bangers' to do the same, pool money; wealth

Then I just make a small lot and sell weed brownies c: brotherhs love my WEEDIES...

both vigilance and snk's servers have earned a drama, whether it's on their badmins or terrain or overpriced whatevers

terrein had me laughing for a while

Well,if you say so,but each peoples have their building skills right?

Well,if you say so,but each peoples have their building skills right?
...Idk, I think my bro's builds tend to suck. All he makes is cubism.

Having built and assisted in a lot of cities, allow me to say that building terrain for a city is the hardest, most controversial parts. Should there be invisible walls or mountains? Should the grass be a yellowish-green, or a Lego green? If I make a lake, should I make it go straight down, or double the brick count and use slopes.

Balancing terrain with a city is hard. Wentworth's City RPG is my favorite example, and even then his mountain ranges shot straight up in spots. Nobody complained because the city itself had good content.

Having built and assisted in a lot of cities, allow me to say that building terrain for a city is the hardest, most controversial parts. Should there be invisible walls or mountains? Should the grass be a yellowish-green, or a Lego green? If I make a lake, should I make it go straight down, or double the brick count and use slopes.

Balancing terrain with a city is hard. Wentworth's City RPG is my favorite example, and even then his mountain ranges shot straight up in spots. Nobody complained because the city itself had good content.

Sketching out a basic design of your city before you begin construction helps

The current state of snk12's server as it is is unacceptable, even with all the effort into buildings.

With the completion of City3, the city will indefinately and likely be scrapped for a fresh one.

If I had great internet and if people were to join my servers without problem then I would have created an epic CityRP of coolness and epicness.
