Author Topic: [Interactive Text Adventure!] Die Trying: Rule of Hazermar  (Read 1540 times)

Die Trying, the newest and craziest forum adventure filled with lots of violence and other bad stuff. Oh and failure.

Many upon many things can happen in Die Trying. You can suggest anything you want really. I wont be like those other artists and make the characters give you questionable looks! In fact, if they do you can suggest they die.

In Die Trying, there will be one ultimate goal at a time, and you must try to get to this goal with as few characters as possible.
As of now, there are no images because I'm a terrible artist and I'm lazy.
For suggesting character actions, I will use the first action posted for each character, and each person can only suggest an action for one character.
iban: james forgets the living stuff out of a tree
night fox: cindy crafts a spear to fight the terrifying bear
lord tony: james shoots cindy, and tom masturbates to ponies
badspot: tom investigates the police reports
James will forget a tree, Cindy will craft a spear, and Tom will investigate.
Lord Tony broke two rules, James was already suggested an action, and he suggested actions for two characters.

So let's begin.

Using, I chose a number between 2 and 4 to make characters.
The result was 4.
When a character dies, I will choose another number between 0 and 2. This is how many new characters will come into the action, up to a max of 6.
If there are ever less than two characters, another one will be introduced.

Story: An evil warlord Hazermar has cunningly had the world's hero, Jeremy Sizlack, fall right into a trap and met his certain doom. After the fall of Jeremy, Hazermar quickly took place as ruler of the country Jelem. No one likes him but they are too much of procrastinators to do anything about it. So they just complain instead.

Theme: Modern (But Hazermar has lasers)

Capital City (Center)
Type: Large City, home of Hazermar
Not So Far Town (North)
Type: Small, lazy, town.
Way Insane Forest Camp (East)
Type: Forest with tiny civilization of crazy people who enjoy the rule of Hazermar
Right Near The Beach Village (South)
Type: Full of people with massive egos. Hazermar has never been here
People Don't Live In This Area (West)
Type: Nothing civilized nor domestic lives in this hazardous wasteland. Just things that want to kill you and eat you, and want to kill and eat things that want to eat you, and so forth.


Italics designate something new or changed. Strikethrough designates something was false or lost.
For status, green determines recovery, red determines injury.

Leo Sizlack
Location: Capital City (Center), Getter Groceries (Grocery store)
Status: Angry [98%], on back
Items: Normal people clothes, key to Leo's house, a knife, a gun with 9 bullets in it, $95
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Build: Just average
Age: Adult
Bio: Brother of Jeremy. Wishes revenge against Hazermar. Good with crafting and technology. Hates pyramids of goods.

Action: Leo sees a pyramid of canned corn. In the view of a few employees and some shoppers, Leo knocks it all over without second thoughts. It's technologically inferior and will not stop Hazermar. Cans fall all over and one falls on Leo's foot, so he hops back and slips on another one.
The supervisor immediately pulls out his radio and contacts security, and a janitor.

Lucy Urien
Location: Not So Far Town (North), Basics (Grocery store)
Status: Alert
Items: Basics uniform, key to Lucy's mom's house, Basics' register key, calculator
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Build: Little
Age: Adult
Bio: A store clerk who dropped out of high school. Did not like Jeremy, thought he was a 'fake hero'. Wishes to rule Jelem.

Lucy stops ringing a customer's food in for a quick moment to admire Hazermar. Lucy realizes how jealous she is that he's ruler and she isn't. Maybe she should rise up and do something for once in her life.
Reality kicks in as the customer calls out "Hello? You're getting paid to work aren't you?" and Lucy continues working and apologizes.

Location: Capital City (Center), Streets (Busy)
Status: Confused
Items: Chew toy, Collar with cryptic encoding
Gender: Male
Species: Dog
Build: Large
Age: 9
Bio: A dog who never forgot how to play. Always active. Doesn't have an owner but manages to make a living just fine. Owns a fire hydrant.

Hopper locates the nearest fire hydrant and has no troubles peeing on it. This is your territory now. Uh oh! Where did your chew toy go!?

Jamie Grizzly
Location: Way Insane Forest Camp (East), Outside of camp (Forest)
Status: Hungry and disappointed [110%]
Items: Ragged robes, an apple
Unnatural abilities: Can absorb living things.
Gender: Female
Species: Human Grizzly Bear
Build: like a grizzly bear, a well fed and exercised one
Age: Adult
Bio: Kills people. Is part bear part human. Only eats fruits and veggies.

Jamie feels the need to become part pig. She finds one, and attempts to give it a bear hug to consume it into her body. It works, but she does not become part pig. "Oh no I just killed a poor innocent pig!" she says to herself and hangs her head in shame.

Characters: 4
Kills: 0
Deaths: 0
Mission Progress: 0.001%
What you know: Hazermar controls the country and he's not very nice. Immune to corn.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 12:10:59 AM by Chrono »

Lucy: Venerate Hazermar

Decided to use a title that doesn't make fun of others. :3

Hopper: Piss at a fire hydrant.

Jamie Grizzly: Become (wo)manbearpig

leo: knock over the pyramids of stacked items

Italics designate something new or changed. Strikethrough designates something was false or lost.
For status, green determines recovery, red determines injury.

Leo Sizlack
Location: Capital City (Center), Getter Groceries (Grocery store)
Status: Angry [98%], on back
Items: Normal people clothes, key to Leo's house, a knife, a gun with 9 bullets in it, $95
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Build: Just average
Age: Adult
Bio: Brother of Jeremy. Wishes revenge against Hazermar. Good with crafting and technology. Hates pyramids of goods.

Action: Leo sees a pyramid of canned corn. In the view of a few employees and some shoppers, Leo knocks it all over without second thoughts. It's technologically inferior and will not stop Hazermar. Cans fall all over and one falls on Leo's foot, so he hops back and slips on another one.
The supervisor immediately pulls out his radio and contacts security, and a janitor.

Lucy Urien
Location: Not So Far Town (North), Basics (Grocery store)
Status: Alert
Items: Basics uniform, key to Lucy's mom's house, Basics' register key, calculator
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Build: Little
Age: Adult
Bio: A store clerk who dropped out of high school. Did not like Jeremy, thought he was a 'fake hero'. Wishes to rule Jelem.

Lucy stops ringing a customer's food in for a quick moment to admire Hazermar. Lucy realizes how jealous she is that he's ruler and she isn't. Maybe she should rise up and do something for once in her life.
Reality kicks in as the customer calls out "Hello? You're getting paid to work aren't you?" and Lucy continues working and apologizes.

Location: Capital City (Center), Streets (Busy)
Status: Confused
Items: Chew toy, Collar with cryptic encoding
Gender: Male
Species: Dog
Build: Large
Age: 9
Bio: A dog who never forgot how to play. Always active. Doesn't have an owner but manages to make a living just fine. Owns a fire hydrant.

Hopper locates the nearest fire hydrant and has no troubles peeing on it. This is your territory now. Uh oh! Where did your chew toy go!?

Jamie Grizzly
Location: Way Insane Forest Camp (East), Outside of camp (Forest)
Status: Hungry and disappointed 110%
Items: Ragged robes, an apple
Unnatural abilities: Can absorb living things.
Gender: Female
Species: Human Grizzly Bear
Build: like a grizzly bear, a well fed and exercised one
Age: Adult
Bio: Kills people. Is part bear part human. Only eats fruits and veggies.

Jamie feels the need to become part pig. She finds one, and attempts to give it a bear hug to consume it into her body. It works, but she does not become part pig. "Oh no I just killed a poor innocent pig!" she says to herself and hangs her head in shame.

Characters: 4
Kills: 0
Deaths: 0
Mission Progress: 0.001%
What you know: Hazermar controls the country and he's not very nice. Immune to corn.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2012, 10:36:33 PM by Chrono »

leo: start knocking random items off the shelves and throw them at random people

Changed OP so people don't have to dig around for pages to figure out what all went down, like every other forum adventure.

I'm thinking if it takes too long for people to post then I'll have the characters either idle or have something happen to them.

Seems like there isn't enough interest in this... :(