Author Topic: Blockland Physics: Editable Rigid Bodies (Moved to Suggestions & Requests)  (Read 1263 times)

Alright, so I have recently been looking at some Garry's Mod stuff on the internets, and all at once, I had a (somewhat) amazingly awesome idea:

"What if we could make Blockland more like G-Mod?"

Now, don't get me wrong; I'm in no way suggesting that we make Blockland into a Garry's Mod "clone" (which would be impossible anyway), I just wish that Blockland (a game I do have) had some of the features that Garry's Mod (a game I don't have) has.

In saying this, I know there are limitations, so don't tell me "This is completely absurd! It is incomprehensible and stupid." Time and time again, people have been proven wrong in the world of video games and video game design.

Now, without further ado, the idea.

First off, I figured it'd be best to start simply. So what do we do? We add a couple rigid body objects into the game, and already it's starting to look more like G-Mod (already having the gravity gun and whatnot).

But here's what I want to know: Is there a more efficient way of inporting objects like these without having to make them vehicles? If not, it's ok; I can still work with that. In some ways it'll make it easier.

And the second part I'd like to try to implement: editable properties for rigid body objects (without the console, and can be done by anyone). I figure some sort of modified print gun would do the trick for that. And when I say "editable properties", I mean simple stuff like drag, mass, etc. (At least for starters...)

Anyway, all you higher-ups and programming nerds let me know what you think of this idea. I hope it'll end up making Blockland a more "sandbox-like" game than it currently, therefore making it fun.

« Last Edit: December 12, 2012, 09:47:46 PM by BluetoothBoy »

No, not really. This is just a general discussion about physics right now. Nothing else to it.

No, not really. This is just a general discussion about physics right now. Nothing else to it.
wrong section.
this is you telling the community your ideas for updates in the game.
also I don't think you have a clue about what your talking about.

Actually, I am not talking about game updates. I am talking about how it'd be neat for the community to implement physics specific addons into the game. Also, I do have a clue what I'm talking about, thank you very much. -_-

Wrong section, goes to Suggestions & Request.

Leave him alone. An admin will move it if it is indeed in the wrong section.

Hullo, people! I already said: NOT a suggestion! I simply want to talk about it for now! General Discussion!

Reading things for what they are; it'll blow your mind!

Hullo, people! I already said: NOT a suggestion! I simply want to talk about it for now! General Discussion!

Reading things for what they are; it'll blow your mind!
It looks like you're suggesting things for the game and having people discuss it.
which is exactly what goes into "Suggestions and Requests".

Fine. If it'll make everyone here happy, I'll move it.

Maybe then people will actually start talking about the topic instead of complaining...