Author Topic: I just found out my ex best friend is in jail.  (Read 953 times)

Oh yeah, by the way he didn't actually commit the crime.

One of our mutual friend's mom is blaming him and his stepbrother for stealing a wedding ring.
no way he did it though, IMO.

is it possible step-brother stole it and he doesn't wanna take all the blame, so they're both taking it?

that's bullstuff.
They have no proof of course, his finger prints wouldn't be around and his alias would be able to stand up in a court of law if more people testify he was elsewhere... or for that mat-

step mom
what the forget
his MOTHER is claiming her step-SON stole from her?
Nonono, his step brother and him are being accused by another friend's mom. but lol

and yeah, he didn't do it, he respects elders way more than most people would expect him to from his looks, and he isn't a thief. So he'll PROBABLY be fine.

Well that's good
In the mean time anyone else heard about those two guys who escaped from a 27 floor tall prison?

go to jail yourself and then rape him

send him a pizza laced with LSD

guards won't know what hit him <3