Author Topic: Anyone know how an average school day in Quebec is?  (Read 1848 times)

Slightly weird question I know, but I'm doing a project on Quebec and Google apparently is not filled with all the Quebec info I'll ever need. I'd just like to know how the average Quebec secondary and/or primary school day goes (lunch times and all that).
Thanks :)

"Everyone, eh, open up, eh, your books to, eh, page 93, eh."

"Everyone, eh, open up, eh, your books to, eh, page 93, eh."
Except in french

Except in french
wi wi, le we are a le french, no?
wi wi wi, wi wi, wi
le le wi
le wi

wi wi, le we are a le french, no?
wi wi wi, wi wi, wi
le le wi
le wi
what the forget is "wi"
do you mean "oui"

"Bonjur, Croissant, painting, ...EH"

I died laughing while walking through the school parking lot
People are looking at me funny

"Everyone, eh, open up, eh, your books to, eh, page 93, eh."
We only use "eh" at the end of sentences.

I died laughing while walking through the school parking lot
People are looking at me funny
probably because youre dead

We only use "eh" at the end of sentences.
Not according to us Americans. Our definition on everything not American is superior and accurate.

i imagine beavers and hockey

I read in my french class that in France school runs similar to American schools with a few exceptions. The school week is regular, except you only attend school for a half day on Wednesdays and attend the other half on Saturdays. However, School descends from 12th grade to first, whereas in America it ascends from 1st to 12th. Your last school year in its entirety is spent studying for your Baccalaureate exam which is similar to an American SAT. You only have three tries to pass the BAC before you cannot take it again.

I know that the BAC is also used in Canada, I'm not sure about the other parts.

Oui oui! Open ze textbooks and turn to page one-ninety-tree! Ze seconde paragrapheur!

Oui oui! Open ze textbooks and turn to page one-ninety-tree! Ze seconde paragrapheur!
What did you just say you little forgeter?