Author Topic: oh my goodness  (Read 1324 times)

Instead of moving the games I had installed I just created a new steam directory on my networked HD

I had to get another HDD just to put my Steam games on.

I had about 500-600GB installed before I had to format this HDD and install Windows on it, don't have enough space to spare at the moment.
I had less than 1/2 of my library installed at that time, my library would take up 1TB easily

I have over 150 gb in my steam folder but only like 20 game installed on my computer. Most of them aren't big games either. What's taking up so much space?

woah that is suprising I didn't think my steam folder was over 200 gb

I have 0g in my non existent Steam folder.
It's gonna be a hassle to move..

Just moved another 40 GB of games over to my Steam drive.

mine was about 50 gigs when i moved it