Author Topic: Changing A player's Clothes  (Read 1772 times)

Say I want to recolor someone entirely, make them all pure white. What would I do?

%client.player.setNodeColor("BodyPart","1 1 1 1");

The ones in red do not work. Can someone correct the names?

   %client.player.setNodeColor("chest","1 1 1 1");
      %client.player.setNodeColor("accent","1 1 1 1");
      %client.player.setNodeColor("hat","1 1 1 1");
      %client.player.setNodeColor("hip","1 1 1 1");
      %client.player.setNodeColor("lhand","1 1 1 1");
      %client.player.setNodeColor("rhand","1 1 1 1");
      %client.player.setNodeColor("larm","1 1 1 1");
      %client.player.setNodeColor("rarm","1 1 1 1");

      %client.player.setNodeColor("lleg","1 1 1 1");
      %client.player.setNodeColor("rleg","1 1 1 1");
      %client.player.setNodeColor("secondPack","1 1 1 1");
      %client.player.setNodeColor("pack","1 1 1 1");
« Last Edit: September 17, 2007, 07:21:05 AM by IbanX »

Go to blockland/base/data/shapes/player and open the corresponding text file.

hip = pants
lleg = lshoe
rleg = rshoe

So... if you said %client.player.setNodeColor("BodyPart","0 0 0 0"); would you be invisble? :D

Actually it's just easier to set the color to "".

Btw, there is another way to change a player's bodyparts:
Quote from: Some stupid readme kinda thing I made
How to change client body parts:
start with the function having a %client variable.
Then use %client.bodypart = something; for each body part, use a avatar favorite for that stuff.
Finally, use %client.ApplyBodyColors(); then %client.ApplyBodyParts();

Actually, any time I've set the alpha for a node to 0, I've ended up with this weird predator look to the node (as in Alien vs Predator, e.g. cloaking).