Author Topic: black mesa source is taking to long to install :(  (Read 1983 times)

I'm pretty sure Black Mesa: Source is on Steam now.
It was greenlighted but it's not on Steam yet

it wont be greenlighted till its finished

desura is the best way to install blackmesa as it was very fast for me.

depends on your download speed I guess
Wait what? He's extracting it. If he's extracting it the amount of time it takes depends on your RAM amount and speed.

desura is the best way to install blackmesa as it was very fast for me.

Download and install is the best way to install Black Mesa: Source at the moment.

Wait what? He's extracting it. If he's extracting it the amount of time it takes depends on your RAM amount and speed.
Oh I thought he was downloading it from a launcher or something.