Author Topic: Why not Blockland for X-box 360?  (Read 4198 times)

Blockland could be madebfor the Xbox 720 and the ps4 due to the good specs.

Xbox 720:
DirectX 11.1 class 800-MHz graphic processor
81.6ghz CPU cores
8gb's of ram
500gb disc space

The ps4 has similar specs.


Besides, would you really want to play it on an xbox when you can play it on PC?

I'm talking about the Xbox 720. I already know about the ps4 specs
recently some LEGIT documents for the xbox 720 were leaked and there is a link, but I don't want to get banned for posting it. You can probably just search for the document on google.

I bet it could handle atleast 10,000 bricks with no shaders and shadows.

You can't do stuff with 10000 bricks.

"hey guys I built 2 skyscrapers and oh stuff my wii u lags like stuff'

its better than nothing

plus blockland hides faces of bricks next to/on top of each other

recently some LEGIT documents for the xbox 720 were leaked and there is a link, but I don't want to get banned for posting it. You can probably just search for the document on google.

Why would you get banned for posting something "legit"?