Author Topic: Hellen Keller simulator 2013  (Read 1169 times)

i didn't see that one coming!

False and terribly made

she didn't know what black looked like

I made a professional game that is technically correct and is extremely accurate.
to this day I am the only human who knows how it's complex algorithms work in order to make the most realistic experience a human can simulate of the life of Hellen Keller.

False and terribly made

she didn't know what black looked like
black isn't a color but the absence of color.

False and terribly made

she didn't know what black looked like
She wasn't born blind and deaf, AFAIK

False and terribly made

she didn't know what black looked like
Did you seriously take this seriously haha.

black isn't a color but the absence of color.
seeing the absence of color =/= the complete lack of a concept of color

People who are blind do not see black, they have no concept of seeing because they have never been able to see, There is nothing in terms of sight for them.

I saw the 2013 edition coming from a mile away.
I know, I'm terrible.

Hellen keller was blind and deaf
Ah okay. Now it makes sense!

Still not funny

The best way to compare being blind to people who can see.
Imagine if you had suddenly gained a tail. Imagine how hard and difficult it would be to move this new appendage.

It's the same for blind people, but with sight instead.

Where can I pick up a copy?

So this is all it takes now to make a thread?