Author Topic: Duplorcator/Duplicator print issue.  (Read 864 times)

Every time I duplicate anything that uses prints it sets it to a screen print. Anyone got a fix for it? Im pretty sure I havent the latest version on RTB.

This sounds like a bug with whatever duplicator mod you use. Contact the creator.

The new duplicator has errors duplicating prints and events. It will only duplicate events 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. Anything after that is straight gone.

This is 100% the creator of the duplicators issue.

which duplicator is it
there's freaking 2 of thme

The new duplicator has errors duplicating prints and events. It will only duplicate events 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. Anything after that is straight gone.

This is 100% the creator of the duplicators issue.
funny, i have the new duplicator and i don't have this problem

funny, i have the new duplicator and i don't have this problem

Well you're 1 in a million I guess.

funny, i have the new duplicator and i don't have this problem
i also don't have this specific problem, but duplorcator deletes any "onminigame____" events, and i'm pretty sure it also deletes some to do with relays. it gets p annoying.

Oh no, you guys are right. I'm thinking the Duplorcator. Sorry.

I have this problem, I choose to ignore it. It is quite bothersome though.
Oh and I have the RTB Duplicator V3 by Plornt.

If you want I can post pics or a video or w/e