Author Topic: Power Noise Megathread  (Read 649 times)

"How comm I cannut lissen tew paoer noizz???????????"

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You can tell why I made this thread, right?
Well, if not, I made this thread to discuss the hyper, fierce, and noisy genre of music, Power Noise.

So, what is this genre of music?

Power Noise is a very strange genre, it places high emphasis on this rather "noisy" background sound. I, myself, don't know what, exactly, this "noise" is. But, it gets barely any attention. I hate jah kiddies listening to ye old dubstep.

Other, more important info.

I am Keith Gower, age 13. I have the asperger's disorder. I come in no harm, I mean only peace. I don't go around in the world playing clan games, or other types of capturing game modes.

sounds interesting but not something i'd download and listen to.
would definitely have a place in games though.

also omg r u relat to andrew gower creator of runes cap??!!

why the forget would you "listen" to this stuff

Welcome to hell
Enjoy your stay

i don't even
what is this

You're going to get a lot of flak mentioning that you have a disorder. You might just want to remove that part from your post.

Mm. Tried it, didn't like it too much. I guess it's that there isn't enough melody; while dubstep has little (indeed, just enough) this power noise has next to none. Not my cup o' tea, I'll stick to dubstep.

power noise ain't got stuff on harsh noise
Christ, it sounds like someone's trying to suck a demonic cat into a vacuum cleaner

Meh. I'm locking this thread. All of you are right. And, yeah, I found out that the sound is REALLY lame. It sounds like someone is putting an alligator in a blender.