
Secret Poll Sry but I have too many ideas

Just continue this
2 (33.3%)
Adventure where forumers are on a island
3 (50%)
Do both at same time?!?!?
1 (16.7%)

Total Members Voted: 6

Author Topic: Claw, Bite, and Punch -Here it comes-  (Read 4504 times)

http://i.imgur.com/fLgWrlE.png[/img]Its just a slight accent. Its not in every o.

Well then stop doing it to our replies as well. We don't have the stupid accent of going "There's s zero me zero ne at the d zero zero r!"

Well then stop doing it to our replies as well. We don't have the stupid accent of going "There's s zero me zero ne at the d zero zero r!" - what the heck is this?
Its as if it was in his mind.
Stop whining.