Author Topic: Bomb Cake (Video)  (Read 1679 times)

Well, today at 3:35 am I grinded out another painful video.

I'm too tired to make a good op so here:

what is this

Did you ask for permission to use Sailorman's Plane?  You could have at least gave credit.  It is a recolored version of the large plane in the background of these pictures on this thread.

If you all notice there are missing bricks on the thing. Also I can show you 5 places where my name is hidden on that plane. You should have asked credit :\
Quote from: From Me
I'm really disappointed to see that you stole this and made a film out of it. You could have at least given credit. If you all notice, the propeller blades, seats, and anything requiring vertical print plates is gone for one. Also, Im sure he couldn't raise the landing gear and stuff because the schedules are too high. I have OVER 20 HOURS of my life into that thing. AND I have about 4 more to go before it is done. So if you are going to go to my server can you at least give me freaking credit?
Also, here is a link to a topic of the plane from February.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2013, 10:51:31 AM by SailorMan »

I hate people who steal builds... Hate them so much.  Did you ask Sailorman for permission to use his build...

This is Sailorman's build... Go do something yourself for once -_-
« Last Edit: July 19, 2013, 12:21:33 PM by Bob the Crazy »

I didn't know.
One day -Setro- loaded it on my server and I saved it.
I was assuming he made it.
Let me give credit.

I just noticed that this is in creativity.
Let me movei t.