Author Topic: Unfair ban!  (Read 2622 times)

Did you know the OP only signed up to make this topic. Lol wow


well the thing is that most players don't even have popular or actual fun places that people routinely play.
i was looking from a typical player's viewpoint who usually just plays frontpage games.

well the thing is that most players don't even have popular or actual fun places that people routinely play.
i was looking from a typical player's viewpoint who usually just plays frontpage games.

You're right, seldom do peoples places ever make it to the front page, but does that mean you still can't have fun playing with friends, or even by yourself? Hell no! ;P. The point of places are to give the user space to experiment with, ROBLOX is not about building the best and most famous X (and nor is Blockland), it's about having as much fun as you can with the tools and freedom you're given, some people like building and others don't and just play on other peoples places. Your place(s) are there in case you ever WANT to create something, and if you ever do, you might want another work space for a completely different project which is why they allow you so many place slots (and more if you pay).

Back in my day, Roblox was the stuff. Back in my day, Garrysmod 9 was the stuff. Done