Author Topic: How do I mount an emitter node to a player?  (Read 1366 times)

Or is it not possible?

Though there are other ways of simulating it, I'm pretty sure that it is not possible to use a player as an emitterNode if that is what you're asking.

I want to make players emit particles

You could create an image and put the emitter on it, then mount the image onto the player, which is how I do it.

How does the jeep do it then?

When the jeep blows up doesn't it mount a fire emitter to the player?
Or is that something else?

You could create an image and put the emitter on it, then mount the image onto the player, which is how I do it.
This is the best way I can think of

How does the jeep do it then?

When the jeep blows up doesn't it mount a fire emitter to the player?
Or is that something else?
Vehicles can have emmiter nodes, I have no idea if players can though, the best way as wrapperup said would be to mount an image to the player