Author Topic: [Video] - Blockland - Through the Eyes of Spo  (Read 1173 times)
my work for the clan Spo you should totally check them out

HUGE thanks to all the members of Spo for the great builds!

I was expecting Furdle's perspective of annoying random people and attempting to piss off Height members everywhere he finds them and promoting SPO in a way that makes it look like a bad clan full of arrogant people.

meh overuse of same three builds

would have been better if you incorporated film of spo building and stuff, rather than just dramatic shots of already-in-place builds. Or, just shortened the video by 2 minutes.

at least some movement maybe.

I was expecting Furdle's perspective of annoying random people and attempting to piss off Height members everywhere he finds them and promoting SPO in a way that makes it look like a bad clan full of arrogant people.
close, but not quite!

meh overuse of same three builds

would have been better if you incorporated film of spo building and stuff, rather than just dramatic shots of already-in-place builds. Or, just shortened the video by 2 minutes.

at least some movement maybe.
thanks for your comment friend
pass wanted me to use the three builds that spo focused on the most

i guess i wanted it to go with the song so it might've turned out long
as to why theres no acting with blockheads, it was to show off the builds the most

thank you friend :^)

A gallery topic for each build; I have no problem with, but they're glorified in a way that has me expecting really impressive builds.


Which I don't find them to be.

Looks nice but it's really boring.

what the forget did you tag this with

didn't I show you this song

Man, too much talent, I'm jelly now.