Author Topic: RECOMMEND ME AN ULTIMATE DESKTOP.  (Read 1886 times)

ALRIGHT GUYS, the situation for me has changed drastically. My new budget is up to 800-1000 dollars.

Tell me:

What would the ultimate gaming desktop be? I also desire a good internet card with bluetooth if possible.

Thanks :3

Among other things:

CPU: AMD FX-9590 (8 core, 5 GHz)
GPU: 3x GTX Titan (SLI)

My new budget is up to 800-1000 dollars.


Yea lol, $1000 is a midrange rig at best

Where I'm going, a lot of things are on sale. :o

I don't know what you're talking about... I only used athlons for the two sub-$400 builds...

Anyway, the build you posted is pretty good but I would get faster ram (at least 1600mhz) and a harddrive with less capacity. If he actually needs more than 1 tb it's easy to upgrade later. I would also add a cpu cooler to the build if he's going to overclock

I don't know what you're talking about... I only used athlons for the two sub-$400 builds...

Anyway, the build you posted is pretty good but I would get faster ram (at least 1600mhz) and a harddrive with less capacity. If he actually needs more than 1 tb it's easy to upgrade later. I would also add a cpu cooler to the build if he's going to overclock

I've never overclocked and I never plan to. I'd rather not risk frying my processor. lol :)

But yeah, I'll look into this build, thanks.

You could easily save money and gain performance by getting a GTX 760. They're like $260 at most places for the overclocked versions. The only thing it lacks in really is CUDA cores, but that doesn't really matter at all for gaming. the gtx 760 is an all around better card imo

edit: the gtx 760 would bring the budget under 1000 alone

you could use one of these

also this power supply is less expensive but very reliable because it uses the seasonic hardware:
« Last Edit: August 17, 2013, 11:22:28 AM by shropz »

Yea lol, $1000 is a midrange rig at best

well not really

IIRC I spent like $700 total on my desktop computer and I've never seen a single game it can't run perfectly

well not really

IIRC I spent like $700 total on my desktop computer and I've never seen a single game it can't run perfectly



CPU: AMD FX-8120 (8 core, 3.1 GHz)
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7870
SD1: 128 GB SSD
OS: Windows 8 Pro (64-bit)

CPU: AMD FX-8120 (8 core, 3.1 GHz)
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7870
SD1: 128 GB SSD
OS: Windows 8 Pro (64-bit)

Wowe nice. Still can't believe an 8 core is that cheap.

Wowe nice. Still can't believe an 8 core is that cheap.
per-core performance is more important than amount of cores
an i7-4770k has only 4 cores yet its way faster on benchmarks and games

per-core performance is more important than amount of cores
an i7-4770k has only 4 cores yet its way faster on benchmarks and games

I know, I was just amazed by the amount of cores :*(
Give each of those cores 2 threads and you got yourself 16 logical processors.