Author Topic: My apologies to the community [Rant?]  (Read 2550 times)

He's exactly like glass, but not in the sense you're thinking, he comes back saying "oh i'm sorry" and lies to get his way, when he doesn't he screams like a little girl. If you think about giving him a second chance don't, he'll go back to his normal routine in about 2 days.
I guess we'll see in  days.

wouldn't this be his 5-6th chance already

idk man, if you can keep your mouth shut and not butt into stuff when you're not wanted participating in the debate ill be completely fine with you

also just because you're not trying to anger someone doesnt mean you can by accident
Well that's what I'm saying, I apologize for indirectly and directly making people angry and hope that I can keep from indirectly angering people in the future.

Regarding my past apologies, yes I know I've apologized before, I know that and thank you for bringing it to peoples' attention, I don't want anyone to think I'm hiding anything.  I know I've had plenty of chances here on this forum, that's why I never asked for another one in the OP, I just want to apologize and let it be known I'm going to try my best to start on a different path.

How did I not know you were JazZ
I'm handicapped lol

Like I said to glass, I forgive you and I hope we can be friends

Good luck in life Yola

I understand that people like Yenola can get on people's nerves, irritate, and stir up a lot of fighting sometimes. But honestly, nobody is forcibly making you get angry or upset. People need to learn that they have more control over their emotions than they might think and they don't have to get upset over things like a person trolling.

And besides, Blockland is just a game. Just about nothing done in Blockland should logically make a person hate someone else. This is just a forum, ever heard of the phrase "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?" Little to nothing done online by a troll can be unforgivable in my opinion.

yeah im not gonna like you until you actually start being good

anyone can say any stuff but their actions will show if they are doing good
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 09:47:29 PM by Crispy_ »

yeah you're p cool in steam so you better be cool in here motherforgeter

i do not accept your apology.

instead of making empty promises why don't you actually improve
its the only way you will truly act sincere

i dont know who you are but ok