Author Topic: Save and load item event  (Read 811 times)

I don't know why, but the save/load item events seem to work half of the time, and the rest of the time the items seem to load wrong or not at all.
Is there a fix for the add-on? or another one I could try?

These events always work on my server, and all other servers that have used it to host.  Either you are eventing it wrong, or your file is corrupted/outdated/update-available.  Re-download the file and try again.

These events always work on my server, and all other servers that have used it to host.  Either you are eventing it wrong, or your file is corrupted/outdated/update-available.  Re-download the file and try again.
I'll try to record a video to show you what I mean.

bump, any suggestions?

I can confirm that, I also had the problem about 2-3 months ago on Ligacy Warfare.