Author Topic: Xbox 360 Controller brown townog has sticky center?  (Read 581 times)

My Xbox controller has some "sticky centers". I know this is resolvable in-game with deadzones, but that means less precision and sensitivity.
Anyone's controllers act like this? Basically if I move the brown townog just a bit to the right, it still detects it that way.

Notice how the left brown townog has it a bit down (I moved it a bit down) and the right one has the X rotation a bit too much to the right. If I move them both in the opposite directions or any other directions for the matter, they also stick that way (just a bit).

might be best to open it up and clean it

might be best to open it up and clean it

I got it for 2 days now. Opening it will screw with the warranty which I don't want to lose. I might give it back and take another in this situation but wondering if this is a general issue or if it's something that can be fixed by getting another one.

try it with a pc/other xbox, if it persists it's the controller and you should get a new one
wait, that's a calibration image, you already did try it on pc so just get a new one

If its a new controller, and it's doing this already. You need to return it.

don't jizz on the controller brah

Use an obviously superior control method, like mouse and keyboard
Return it and get a new one.