Author Topic: Advanced Event Packs (Beta test downloads!)  (Read 11318 times)

Id like to see what your using this for, could I come to your server one time and check it out?

Id like to see what your using this for, could I come to your server one time and check it out?
On my RenderQuest server, the RenderCore uses a transparent rotating sphere (The transparency effect causes the skybox and players to be rendered through it only which I think is a nice effect) Also the campfire seats look better with a cylinder-hologram sticking out from the top of it

Has anyone found any bugs? There must be loads..

Has anyone found any bugs? There must be loads..
Not a single bug so far

Not a single bug so far

Really? I've found hundreds. An update to Holograms will be released soon. Its nearly a complete rewrite. Adds new features such as parenting, which allows for joining multiple holograms into one. Allows for so much epicness. Im getting the math perfected right now. Also allows for adding colors (which breaks existing color events, sorry!), a checkbox in holo_create which overwrites existing holos, and commands such as /clearholos and /clearallholos (admin only). If you want to see this, join my server when its up. Im currently testing it all in a default BL installation, so loading times are tiny :D

Also, i've added a Core addon, which has all the functions that ive created, or found on the forums, which is used in multiple packs, so if i need to fix one of the functions i can do it once and not have to update every single pack..

Also, AdvCam isn't available to download, as i'm rewriting it, because its terrible. I mean, seriously terrible.. It only worked half the time. Expect a download within a couple of weeks though.
i'm really excited for the AdvCam, really hope you consider finishing it first as it can make for some really nice cut-scenes/intros for larger servers!

I do need to get to work on that again... I've lost enthusiasm for it though. I should regain it soon enough, plus i'm finishing college in a couple of days, so ill be able to get a lot more work done on it then.

Adds new features such as parenting, which allows for joining multiple holograms into one.

MY loving

Progress update:
Ive been working hard on Holos.
Parenting is pretty much finished. Theres one minor glitch with parenting something rotated in a certain axis, which unfortunately i cant work out, im 95% sure its a Torque problem.
Ive added new shapes; Wedge and three 'Cut' cones (cones which have the tops cut off).
Ive added two new check boxes into holo_create. The first one is collision. When on, players, projectiles and raycasts will be effected by holos.
Ive also been working on moving players, bots, vehicles, and items on holograms when they move. Its some difficult math, and requires a lot of balancing and collision checks, however it is working very nicely. Theres a check box in holo_move and holo_rotate to enable this feature.
I added onHoloActivate, onHoloCreated, onHoloDeleted, and onHoloMoveRot (when its moved or rotated). OnHoloDelete has a 100ms delay before being called to avoid abuse, and onHoloMoveRot has a 33ms delay so that you dont crash the server with OnHoloMoveRot > holo_move loops. All events have a Client, Player, and Minigame target, so they are still abusable if put into a loop, however it is less abusable than VCE, so im not too concerned. I may add admin only prefs for these.
There's many other changes im too lazy to list as well.

A new event pack; advModifiers. It has events which modify, add, remove, and call events. So now you can use events to add events! Possibly the most useful event is event_call, which allows you to call any event, but also lets you use variable replacers. Thanks to this event, i can simplify a lot of other events and remove the text boxes, and replace them with more suitable methods, and not have problems using VCE with it.

I started working on advEnvironment. This pack will have events to be able to control everything in the Environment GUI, and will be admin only. It will also have a setTime event, and onDay, onNight, onMidday, etc inputs. I made these because Event_envControl does not have a method to set the time, and Event_Daycycles is very, very glitchy. I would like to credit both of these a lot though. All environment changing events will only work if on a brick owned by an admin. This means that players with full trust with an admin could mess with the server. If they do, that is your admin's faults. I may change this.

Not sure if i said this yet, but ive added AdvCore, which is the core of all these packs. Without it, they will not run, as there are functions which are required for multiple packs. Its named event_advCore just so that its grouped with the other event packs, it contains no events by itself.

VCE_Expression has been updated, and now doesnt require spaces inbetween numbers and symbols. It does however need spaces inbetween words. Ive also added % (for modulo), ^ (for powers), root (for square, cube, etc root) and also added support for brackets. Because of this, the way it works has been changed slightly. It still does not follow BIDMAS (or whatever you were taught), instead it first checks for brackets, and does everything inside the brackets first, then it reads left to right, as before. This allows you to simplify some things even more than before.

A full feature list will be available when the beta test v2 update is out. Ive still got a lot of work to do (mainly with advEnvironment and advCam (still, sorry!)), but i can see the day getting closer.

Oh my god, collision and player stickiness to holos sounds AWESOME. Finally, we can have moving platforms!
A few suggestions: A vector variable defined by where the player is looking in space, so if I look at brick A, the vector will be at brick A. I feel like there needs to be a lot more documentation on how to use this stuff because I don't understand most of it :P Lastly, when you use holoMove > Set > [] [] [10] [<var:pl:pos>], the 10 does nothing. It would be kinda cool if it was an offset, so we could make the holo higher up to be on top of their head or something.

But these add-ons are truly amazing as they are. Anyway, I need to go clean my walls from the bits of my brain everywhere.

You should make holos able to be given brick FX like Glow, Blink, etc.
Not sure if it's possible on static shapes.


Im pretty sure that you cant do things like that. I do want to find ways to mount lights and possibly emitters to them, but it might not be possible. Also, I might replace the new Raycast that i made with the old one, or possibly blend the two. The new one is a lot fussier to use, which just makes it a nuisance..

This is really loving awesome and it's a shame there's not too much interest.