Author Topic: I'm in San Antonio Texas  (Read 1924 times)

LOL I drove through San Antonio on my way to Arizona and it was depressing. It was like Camden from "My Name is Earl", it was gross. Not as bad as Memphis though.

Memphis isn't bad, it has some ghetto areas like any other metro city. Many African American gangs formed in Memphis years ago to protect the communities from racial-targeting gangs.

Make sure not to hit any cactus or an oil extraction point wearing a cowboy hat covering your eyes while riding a bull which have a funny accent


yo I live in Fort Worth fite me nob

Memphis isn't bad, it has some ghetto areas like any other metro city. Many African American gangs formed in Memphis years ago to protect the communities from racial-targeting gangs.
I got lost in the ghetto in Memphis at 1 in the morning on a road trip once. :(

yo i live in the alamo bitch

come an fight me i never lose

Make sure not to hit any cactus or an oil extraction point wearing a cowboy hat covering your eyes while riding a bull which have a funny accent


i can personally confirm that everyone does, in fact, run into oil pumps and cacti because their cowboy hats are too big.

i can personally confirm that everyone does, in fact, run into oil pumps and cacti because their cowboy hats are too big.
and their boots are too pointy so they kill everyone they meet when the kick up their feet